صفحه شخصی شادین امانی   
نام و نام خانوادگی: شادین امانی
استان: گیلان
رشته: کارشناسی عمران - پایه نظام مهندسی: دو
شغل:  ناظر و طراح
شماره نظام مهندسی:  11/300/01604
تاریخ عضویت:  1389/01/25
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 موزه فنی TMW وین بخش معماری

برای دریافت فایلها باید از نرم افزار های ویژه دانلود استفاده نمایید. (برای اطلاعات بیشتر اینجا کلیک کنید)

موزه فنی TMW وین

TMW Technical Museum Vienna by querkraft architekten zt gmbh

new entrance foyer and shop

during summer 2010 the technical museum together with querkraft architekten designed a new entrance foyer and museum shop.

a modern museum service requires a correspondingly modern level of service – for this purpose space is a must. older museum buildings are challenged to expand and modernise whilst remaining at...
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new entrance foyer and shop

during summer 2010 the technical museum together with querkraft architekten designed a new entrance foyer and museum shop.

a modern museum service requires a correspondingly modern level of service – for this purpose space is a must. older museum buildings are challenged to expand and modernise whilst remaining attached to their existing historical structures. in the 90s the technical museum faced precisely this difficulty as it tried to gain more space for a larger entrance foyer, a new museum shop and café as well as sufficient amenities, cloakroom space and ticketing capacity. the architectural solution that was chosen in the 90s was a steel-glass box placed in front of the existing historical structure. this solution proved problematic on a few levels shortly after the opening in 1999. the foyer was dominated by large temperature fluctuations, poor acoustics and ventilation, as well as less than optimal visitor circulation.

a competition followed in which querkraft architekten managed to convince the 6-person jury with their design.

basic principle of the new design:

the creation of clear master plan and visitor circulation with an accompanying welcoming emotional atmosphere, which improves the building physics. at the middle of their design solution are multifunctional pieces of furniture made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic and fabric. these ‘trees’ provide seating, shade and acoustic absorption and at night they serve as an illuminate bodies which fill the room with white or blue glowing light. the objects, which resemble trees and can be perceived as a innuendo to the relationship between technology and nature, formally envelope the steel columns and allow a view through the glass ceiling and on to the historical façade.

the shop, which has to do with little floor space, receives new, flexible moveable furnishings for the presentation of products – aligned to the overall design principle.

the realised design from querkraft architekten reveals a definite architectural statement, which communicates with the existing structure and at the same time fulfils the functional requirements of a modern museum entrance.

Type Cultural - Museum

Location mariahilferstraße 212
vienna, 1140

Client technical museum vienna

Building status built in 2010

Site type urban

Building area 800 m2

شنبه 7 اسفند 1389 ساعت 12:02  